Yes, you can pick strawberries as you paddle down the rows : ) What a week it has been! Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we were rained out. Thursday our wonderful workers waded in water with (don't you love that alliteration?) boots to clean the field out of good and bad berries. We were extremely busy Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and I finally took a moment today to post.
And now, more rain! I think Mother Nature forgot that "April showers bring May flowers" - it's May - no more rain - only flowers, please :)
Our right hand man, Jordon, worked in the water on Friday, even though it was a sunny, beautiful day. Here he is standing by his creation, "Bucket Mountain". That's over 175 buckets he washed! ( I know, because I stacked them and put them back in the Berry Barn after they dried) We pick strawberries in these buckets and they must be washed every day. Farmer Jeff had even washed more buckets early that morning! That's just one of the daily strawberry chores. I'll post pictures of more fun work projects later :)